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IQSM SmartCore™ technology secured - funding line services power a new, radically simplified and efficient - virtual-risk-free alternative to current banking, monetary and financial systems for all ecosystem registered and approved clients, on-demand.

Purpose Designed

IQSM SmartCore™ - unconditionally - locks-down transparent physical and digital asset audit, security and privacy rights and was purpose-designed & structured to - move, store and issue personalised reserve line assets, that cannot be re-used within re-staking, re-lending or re-hypothecation protocols in any way.

Proprietary and Highly Differentiated

Decroix Group IP Master Trust owns - Global Master Licensed IP rights for our - potent new LCM provisioned & synchronised regenerative funding, market-making, and reserve interchange technologies - and all local and global monetary reserve rights.

Defensible Long Term Competitive Advantage  

IQSM SmartCore™ licensed - funding - mandates are purpose designed to create and loan-equity match local-market-defined real estate stores of value, currently 'locked-down' in mortgage lender balance sheets, and mortgage-free owner-held property (excluding Mainland China and HK), of approx US $195 trillion.

IQSM SmartCore™ multi-line reserve funding line rights of use are currently restricted to - group licensed and regulated credit and financial service providers acting for Qualified, Accredited, and Institutional clients, in select local markets - until Q2 2025.

Unrivalled Current & Future-State Profitability

IQSM SmartCore™ multi-line reserve secured account service rights, exceed all - central banking system and BIS formulated industry benchmarks for local financial system soundness and profitability and secure investment yield-optimised returns that can't be matched by any conventional financial service system.

Intelligent Automation on an Unrivalled Scale

IQSM SmartCore™ re-defines the foundations and soundness of - all - banking, finance and asset management systems and automates exchange functions, worldwide - eliminating all FX, real to  digital asset structuring and intermediation costs - and renders all bank & non-bank - interest-rate-referenced - credit, deposit & value creation systems - systemically uncompetitive.

IQSM | Financial Technology |
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