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iQSM™ fixed zero interest rate property pre-funding protocols, systemically disrupt, all - interest-bearing mortgage and equity release systems - changing forever how home and investment property mortgages, are collateral reserve secured & financed.

-  global

-  mortgage refinance system

-  world leading technology secured ecosystem

A 30 year term PO based 100% LTPV - fixed zero interest rate refinance of a 30 yr, 5.25% P&I - bank or non-bank - mortgage loan with an outstanding loan balance of $500,000 and current property valuation of $625,000, will unlock, an initial equity line of $125,000 in phase one - of an autonomous rolling refinance process, eliminating all PO repayments for the next 90 months.

AiON SmartCore refinancing protocols - can be repeated, in perpetuity automating a new property refinancing strategy and virtual-risk-free fixed zero interest rate - loan resets. With zero future PO loan repayment service costs required through each refinance phase and the initial loan balance carried forward to end of term the ROI can't be matched, by any interest bearing refinancing strategy - on a short - medium - or long term basis.


IQSM | Personalised Mortgage Refinance |
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