Decroix Group IP Master Trust owns - Global Master Licensed IP rights for our - potent new LCM provisioned & synchronised regenerative funding, market-making, and reserve interchange technologies and all - local and global monetary reserve rights.
Privately funded and developed in Australia for global financial service release in Q2 2025 - we have created what we believe to be the holy grail of global money and finance - empowering simplified new financial products, on a global ecosystem scale.
Funding Services
IQSM SmartCore™ local market - licensed - service line rights power unrivalled, PO-40 fixed zero interest rate - principal only mortgage funding service line rights across localised - funding mandates and lock-down new - reserve exchange capabilities.
They have zero dependence on - traditional - banking systems and render all, interest-rate based maturity transformation and deposit-dependent fractional reserve banking systems, and all central bank aligned, reserve account services - uncompetitive.
Global Master License Rights
IQSM Limited (UK) currently holds the global IP product rights described as the global master licence for Perpetual Monetary Service Units - the terms of which were completed and closed on 1 January 2024 - with a deal value of GBP 39,999,999,960 and subordinated rights to license and vendor fund all regional perpetual monetary unit based, funding-service-line mandates.
Global Value Chain System
Similar to the Bitcoin - "gold supply and value" modelling base 399,999,960 fixed total supply share-aligned monetary service units with a unitary base par value of 100 issued on 1 January 2024, to match and emulate a current five year forward Global Residential & Commercial Real Estate Market value excluding mainland China & HK of US $399.99Tn activating 1 Jan 2025.
Perpetual monetary unit secured GCUs activate on a 1:1 GCU to BMU basis - as new BMUs release - at a global fixed supply rate of 6,666,666 pm - over 60 - consecutive - monthly funding cycles - fully empowered - with regenerative multi-line reservefunding capabilities and reserve line convertibility in perpetuity.
Regional - platform based - funding service line - licenses with customised underlying equity-line secured products, for use in the Americas, Asia Pacific, and EMEA region markets - will be closed and will be publicly announced - on 31st January 2025.
Net Real Estate Equity Based - Stores of Value
IQSM SmartCore™ licensed - funding - mandates are purpose designed to create and loan-equity match local-market-defined real estate equity stores of value locked-down within mortgage lender balance sheets, and mortgage-free owner-held property with an accessible 5 yr net forward equity base, of US $300Tn.
Genesis Series Monetary Service Unit Activation
GCU subordinated - FTS base money units were secured with a - 1:1 - Share to GCU to BMU aligned - global - reserve issue of 399,999,960 Class A common shares as at 1 January 2024 with 20% of FTS dual-token - BMU:GCU - perpetual monetary units locked-down in founder accounts from 1 Jan 2024 with a carried 'right of use', that activates from the 31st January 2025.