IQSM Smartcore™ localised - multi-line reserve - base money units are foundation owned & indexed 1:1, to 10/100 multi-line reserve based GCU funding service lines. BMUs are activated on a 1:1 BMU-GCU basis, within each - new funding line cycle.
- global
- base money system
- world leading technology secured ecosystem
BMU reserve values are directly backed, by principal only loan repayments and are regulated and empowered within a global form factor automated - credit and value creation - system that generates new fixed and certain minimum yield paying returns.
IQSM SmartCore™ global fixed total supply multi-line reserve BMUs and GCUs, compound in - current & future capital value by a fixed minimum base-line-cycle - multiplier linking new 10x GCU minted reserve lines, across a - rolling 60 month, horizon.