IQSM SmartCore™ global currency units (GCUs) are a simple real-asset-referenced funding control representation, of a new global multi-line reserve account secured base money system powering unrivalled social and economic benefits, on-demand.
- global
- foundation reserve system
- world leading technology secured ecosystem
The global fixed total supply of 399,999,960 tokenised - global currency - units was base-line instantiated on 1 Jan 2024 with new global base money reserve account, swap-line exchange and pass-through protocols that will activate, from 1 Jan 2025.
GCU and BMU monetary service units have an initial localised par unit - equivalence - value of 100, and compound MoM to a currency-abstracted 10/100 foundation reserve capital value of 1,024,000 by funding cycle 60 for each active BMU - and each of the 10 new funding control lines created - in each new cycle.
IQSM SmartCore™ GCU optimised local BMUs outperform all non-real-asset referenced yield & non-yield paying fiat, crypto, bank-money, stable-coin and CBDC currencies - on a fixed and certain non-speculative basis - with no fees, costs or charges for client registered & directed, GCU-BMU-GCU reserve exchanges.